

You can take and pass your theory test before you’ve driven, although I recommend that you do some driving lessons prior to taking the theory test as I will show you practical examples of what you are learning.


The theory test consists of 50 multiple choice questions and a hazard perception test. Both are taken together and must be passed in the same sitting.

I recommend you buy Driving Test Success All Tests 2014/15 Edition (PC) to help you prepare for your theory test. This product is also available in app form via the app store. It will help you learn everything you need to know and gives you feedback so you know when your ready to book your test. The best price I’ve seen is £6.83 on Amazon
I also recommend you buy a Highway Code (£1.99).
You can book your theory test here.
The practical test is designed to assess all aspects of driving, to see if you can drive safely in different road and traffic conditions, that you know The Highway Code and can show this through your driving ability.
Once you’ve passed your theory I will advise you when and how to book your practical test.